Himalayan Raahi - DMC for Ladakh & Kashmir

Himalayan Raahi DMC for Ladakh & Kashmir welcomes you! Our company has been in the travel industry for over a decade and we specialize in offering outstanding travel experiences to the Himalayan destinations of Ladakh, Kashmir, and Nepal. Our team comprises passionate travel experts who have extensively explored the region, providing you with insider knowledge and access to the best experiences the Himalayas have to offer. We take great pride in creating tailored itineraries based on your interests, budget, and travel style. We are purely a B2B company and are committed to providing exceptional service to our travel partners.

I'm thrilled you're here.

Welcome to Himalayan Raahi, your gateway to extraordinary adventures in the enchanting regions of Ladakh, Kashmir, and Nepal! As a leading tour operator in the B2B segment, we are dedicated to providing unforgettable experiences and creating lasting memories for our valued partners.

With our profound expertise and extensive network, we have curated a range of exceptional itineraries that showcase the majestic beauty, rich culture, and adventurous spirit of Ladakh, Kashmir, and Nepal. Whether you are a travel agent, a tour operator, or an adventure enthusiast looking to explore these awe-inspiring destinations, we are here to cater to your specific needs.

Yours truly,
Himalyan Raahi Team

Let's talk

Listening to your feedback and reading your comments makes us very happy. Contact us if you have any questions, comments, information, or to request a quote. We will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow us on our social networks or write to us email: sales@himalayanraahi.com